Interior Painting Services in Franklin, WI
Lakeside Painting, Your Franklin Painting Contractors
Our family-owned and operated painting company is your one-stop shop for residential, commercial, and industrial interior and exterior painting solutions, flooring coating, polishing and vinyl and professional industrial cleaning. Our expert team of painters provides quality work and experience that can be measured. Let us show you why Franklin customers trust Lakeside Painting.
Residential Exterior Painters, Franklin
Home exteriors leave an all-important first impression on visitors and passersby. A fresh exterior paint job preserves the integrity of your home while adding a unique flare. Find out why we’re Franklin’s #1 exterior painting contractors.
Residential Interior Painters, Franklin
Transform any space into your dream room with our exceptional residential interior painting services. Backed by years of experience, our knowledgeable team knows how to liven up a room using texture and color. Allow our hardworking experts to give you an interior finish that projects your unique style. Let us brighten up your home with colors that feel like you.
Commercial & Industrial Painters
We specialize in the challenging work of painting commercial spaces and industrial factories, plants, and other structures. We can complete these complex jobs using the right equipment and strategy to get the job done without a hitch. Our experienced team can complete these jobs safely, leaving you with glowing results.
Flooring Solutions
Our floor coating and polishing solutions offer top-quality results with the added durability and peel resistance you are looking for. We specialize in various floor coating services, polishing, vinyl flooring, joint and crack repair, and line and safety aisle stripping and marking. Our precision and pledge of excellence allow us to provide you with unmatched work.
Top-Quality Industrial Cleaning Services
A clean workspace and regular maintenance not only improve the overall health and safety within your facility but can also directly impact the positive morale of those working in the building. Our industrial cleaning experts utilize our years of cleaning expertise from paint jobs to ensure your facility is clean, organized, and ready to perform to its full potential.
We Pursue Excellence
Our pursuit of excellence is how we do business with every customer, every day, throughout every project. We use high-quality products, and our work standards ensure we produce exceptional work and provide a pleasant, hassle-free experience from start to finish. Our friendly professionals will guide you throughout the process, ensuring transparency and devotion.
Speak With Our Experts
If you’re ready to remodel your interior or exterior with a shiny new paint job, Lakeside Painting is the company to handle it! Our unmatched, premiere services will ensure your vision comes to life and exceed your expectations. Contact us today to discuss your dream paint solutions, our friendly and attentive staff will be glad to assist you.