Interior Painting
Attentive Home Interior Service
Lakeside Painting is devoted to making your home decorating ideas a reality for your home interior. Our ultimate goal is to understand your wishes and needs to create lasting beauty. A look and atmosphere that reflects your personality and style.
To achieve elegant and enduring results, we put our extensive experience to work for you. Our practiced hands and expert eyes take proper care with each detail, and we only use time-proven, superior products.
Satisfying Results & Experience
Lakeside Painting‘s team of experienced home painters treat your family and home with utmost courtesy and care. We communicate clearly at every stage of the project to make sure you are satisfied, and we carefully protect all surfaces and furniture to avoid the possibility of accidental painting or damage.
Lakeside has a longstanding reputation as a superior house painting contractor in Southeast Wisconsin, from Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha to Waukesha and Madison. We also stand by our interior work with a written warranty on materials and labor for up to 5 years.
Our Interior House Painting Service Includes:
- Painting Walls & Ceilings (of any height)
- Painting Baseboard, Trim & All Mouldings
- Painting Mantles, Fireplaces, Paneling & Wainscoting
- Painting or Refinishing Entry Doors
- Drywall & Plaster Repair (Walls & Ceilings)
- Light Carpentry Repair
- Replace Doors & Windows
- Removal & Installation of Wallpaper & Wallcoverings
- Refinishing Bookshelves, Handrails, Thresholds & Other Fine Woodwork
- Kitchen Cabinet Painting, Refinishing & Decorative Finishing
- Exterior Trim, Siding & Plantation Shutters
- And More! If you can dream it, we can do it!
Our Painting Process Also Includes:
- A pre-painting home-safety & home-condition inspection with homeowner
- Complete protection of all non-painting surfaces
- Meticulous preparation & repair of surfaces to ensure flawless finish
- Expert, proper application of the best products available
- Thorough cleanup and final touch-up
- Final close-out inspection with homeowner to ensure complete satisfaction